Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well, the semester is now over! YAY! I have a little bit of time until I start my summer class. I plan to paint the trim and work in my abandoned yard! There's always something going on! I have been taking it easy lately, my husband's sister had a baby a few weeks ago so we have been enjoying her and helping out! We also found out last Thursday that our sister in law is having a GIRL! We couldn't be more excited! Charlie will definitely be an amazing brother and Miss Chloe couldn't have a better family to love and care for her! :)

We went home for Mother's Day. It is always so great to come home and be with my family. Saturday we went and ate fish at the farm, it was so good! Then my mom wanted to go to the nursery and get some flowers to plant in her yard... She bought a lot! So we went home and helped her plant them. It was so fun to help her with it, but I did get some bites that I have been scratching! I know it isn't good, but I just can't help it! lol

Sunday, we went back to the farm for Mother's Day lunch. It is always wonderful to be with my amazing family. The children are so much fun, and always want to be busy playing with something. Payton had bought a bat and ball to take out into the front yard to show little man how to play ball. I love that he has taken with them so well, and he loves being with them!

McKenzie hasn't been doing well. I don't know if she pulled something or has the starts of arthritis. I've been giving her some joint medicine so hopefully she will get better! She will be 7 in August, and it is so hard for me to believe that! Just seems like yesterday I brought that tiny pup home! She was bought at the Blues Festival for $20. I couldn't stand to see her licking beer on the side of the street that people had poured and also the owner didn't seem to be giving her the best of care! She moved up here with me to my new home a few years ago and we've been inseparable ever since.

Allie came from the humane society not long after Payton and I met. I guess you could say we both were wanting another pup. I visited the humane society one day looking around and just didn't see any pups that just melted your heart right away. I asked if there were anymore there, and the girl said actually, yes. So she took me into another room and there was baby Allie. Man, that dog yanked my heart strings instantly. I loved on her for awhile and tried to find out some information, but they didn't know much. I took a few pictures and showed them to Payton that night and we agreed that was OUR dog. I went back the next day, checkbook in hand and was ready to take baby Allie home. A man was there who knew more about her, and he told me her real name was Brooke. It just didn't seem to fit her at all so we informed him it would have to be changed! :) He told me she had only been there for a couple of weeks and the family who had her before received her as a gift for their small children. Apparently, they didn't like the way she chewed on their childrens fingers and it just seemed to me they didn't want to work with her. McKenzie and Allie are now the best of friends (I can't say they were in the beginning). :) hehe.
