Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time flies...

Today was a very special day to me and Payton. Others are just like... "Yeah ok" "Congrats" . We have been married for 10 months today. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I can still vividly remember our wedding day and all the special things that happened. I can still remember up to a few days before the wedding. Pretty much a month before the wedding all I ate was puppy chow (you know that chocolatey peanut butter coated rice cereal covered in powdered sugar?). I just had a nervous stomach so that was one thing I could snack on. :) I was still in school too, so add that into the time getting closer of all that hard work we put into this wedding ... and you just wanted the day to be perfect. It was very much ... just that... perfect.

My Aunt came up Thursday before the wedding and we all went to eat at Outback. I believe we all had to get a yummy drink. Margaritas of course -Payton... he add to have a beer! I ordered a steak. This usually isn't a problem, but I have to watch what kind of red meat I buy and also how "done" it is. This steak wasn't quite "done" enough. We get home and start working on getting the lanterns together and the last few minute things before the big day... and well it hit me... another allergic reaction! I immediately took some Benadryl and usually this helps, but I always have a back up plan (epi pen). Luckily it didn't come to that.

I will never forget all of the running around on Friday the 13th. We had to get the Rehearsal Dinner location situated, check the reception layout and make sure everything was up to par. It was crazy. I was so glad to have Mom, Aunt Sherry, David and Becca and all the help we had.

For the rest of my life though I will never forget that night. My sweet husband was baptized before our Rehearsal. I can't explain to you how much that night changed me or sticks with me every single day. It was the most perfect/intimate setting for a baptism... and how much more perfect could it be ? I was sitting in church Sunday, and my eyes just wandered over to where all of that took place. I get chills just thinking about it, but I can still close my eyes and picture exactly what I saw when I was watching. Payton of course didn't want it videotaped or anything like that, but I always wish I would've had our photographer Sarah come a little early so she could've taken pictures. I just hope that for the rest of my life the memory I have of it will stick with me.

Today, 10 months ago was the most perfect time. It's always so fun when I look at the hour and remember what we were doing. At 10:08 pm last year on this day we were walking out of our reception under sparklers, and saying goodbye to our wonderful family and friends before we headed off to Memphis and then that next morning the Bahamas.

I love you so much Payton. I can't wait to celebrate our 1 year anniversary with you!

Photo: Sarah Bussey Photography

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let it shine...

Life has been happening. Some good and some bad, but you just work through it right? School started back August 23rd. I have been working so hard to just feel ahead. At times I feel like the kid in the swimming pool who is struggling to tread the water and make it to the other side. I underestimated the amount of work that would come with the classes this fall. :) Silly me, I was just trying to keep the load light so I can enjoy all the exciting things that will be happening the rest of the year.

We gave Justine her first baby shower a few weeks ago. She got a lot of nice things and I was glad to have my Mom and MIL there to help me with everything. I can't believe I will get to meet Chloe in less than 2 weeks. It seems like yesterday Justine and Brent were telling us they were expecting and hours ago they were confirming our thoughts that they were having a girl! I will never forget the day Charlie was born. I was dying to get off of work so I could get to the hospital to hold my precious (future at the time) nephew. It didn't take to long for a tear to fall and my heart was melted instantly. Charlie has brought so much joy into Pay Pay and Say Say's life, I don't think the boy will ever understand. We were so tickled with him last night... we decided to watch America's Funniest Home Videos (anything was better than what iCarly was doing!) He would laugh so hard he was struggling for a breath. So precious, I can't even explain it! Of course when commercial break would come on we would hear "More AH OHS!" "More AH OHS!" I know Chloe will bring even more joy into our lives and there's no way that we can run out of love to give to the both of them and their parents.

There's been a lot I've figured out lately. Some things are surprising, some of it is stuff I should've already known or expected, and some of it is just hurtful. My mom has told me time and time again (and I'm just now listening for real), "Sarah, you have to live your life to please God first, then your husband, children. (and I always like to add family in there)." I have spent many a days worrying about if someone likes me for me, what I could do to have them want to be in my life, or just whatever thought meets the situation. I've completely exhausted myself in the process. I know who the people are who love me for me. I know God loves me so very much, and well my husband does too. Sometimes I ask him if he does because it makes me feel good to hear it. I know there are people out there who don't and that's OK. This past weekend I went home for Labor Day, you can't help but feel the love when you walk through the doors whether it be at Mom and Dad's or my precious grandparents. I'm so glad to have to family I have, the husband I have and the Lord that I have... because it sure makes life a lot sweeter. It's time to move on, start fresh, and live life the right way ...especially so I know when my time comes to leave this Earth ( because it is sooo very short).... I lived my life letting my light shine for Jesus Christ reaching others that need Him too.

So many more things are in the works ... I promise to do better in "blogging"! :)

God Bless,