Friday, February 10, 2012


Last week I still hadn't started and I called the doctor's office on Monday. They told me that I was supposed to take my medicine every month, but I didn't hear that. She said I needed to test on December 1st before taking the medicine so I kept that in mind. I took a test on that Monday, but it appeared to be negative. There was a faint line, but I still wasn't sure. The next day I was still a little uncertain so I went and picked up a different test, with the idea of testing Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning came and I had set my alarm to get up fairly early. Went in the bathroom, did my thing. I went and got back into bed, laid the test on my nightstand and set my alarm to go off after 3 minutes. I had no lights on in the room, and so when the alarm went off I had to use my phone to read it. I pushed the button on my phone and leaned over to look at the test and said, "Wait a minute!" I turned on my light and it was indeed what I thought it was. POSITIVE! The whole time I was waiting for the test to process I kept thinking "No way, it's not gonna happen." "I've taken too many before and they were all negative." These were all completely different thoughts than before, and it was just pure shock and JOY! I grabbed the test up, and headed down the hall. I said, "Babe." I turned on the living room lights and he said, "What are you pregnant?" I just handed him the test and it took a minute or two for a smile to come across his face, but he was definitely happy! He just stared and stared at the test. It was really sweet. I took the test back into our room and just stared at it some more. I was trying to take a picture of it, and thought that I had it on camera but it was on video. (You can hear my heavy breathing in the video... haha) I had to take another test, don't know why but you know how that goes. It too was positive! I was soooo excited.

I called the doctors office as soon as they opened at 8 am to tell them the results. They got me set up with an appointment on December 15 at 9 am. I wanted an ultrasound so it was a little difficult scheduling. Had to discuss insurance a couple of time, but we are all set! I am so excited for my appointment I can't wait!

Payton and I said we weren't going to tell anyone until we went to the appointment. I could hardly stand not to tell my mom. We went to Perry and Brenda's for Thanksgiving lunch. It was so weird being around Justine and them, because I was trying to keep a secret! haha. That afternoon we headed off for Marianna. We had Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I informed Payton on the way down that I wouldn't be able to wait until our appointment to tell my mom. After a little argument, he told me I could tell her. So that Friday morning, I couldn't wait for my sister to leave so I could tell Momma. We were sitting on the couch and I said, "Mom, I wanna show you this video of Charlie doing the cha cha slide." I handed her my phone of the picture of the pregnancy test and she looked at it and said, "This isn't Charlie doing the cha cha." I said, "I know mother!" She took the phone back and then said, "Are you trying to tell me something?" I just laughed and nodded my head. Then I got a big yay! She was so tired she couldn't hardly express herself. haha. I had to wait a while to tell Dad. When I did it was the same set up just a different reaction. He too kept looking at the phone funny. But then said," I see two lines there." I responded, "Yes you do!" He gave a big happy laugh and said, "Sarah!" like he always does. It was a cute moment.

It was really fun telling them, and I've dreamed up all the ways I want to tell everyone else. I absolutely can't wait.

Dear Baby,
I've dreamed about you for as long as I can remember. I already love you more than you can imagine. I am thankful that the Lord has given me such a wonderful gift, and I hope I can be the best Mommy to you. I can't wait to see you on the screen at our doctors appointment, and watch you grow over the next 9 months. I will always be so grateful for you and can't wait to see your face.

I love you so much!

(Post was written a few days after finding out we were pregnant!)