Thursday, February 17, 2011

can i get a break?

Between school, our house, and just the regular everyday stuff--- I can honestly say I could use a break! Sunday, Payton went out to wash my vehicle--it hasn't been washed since I got it. I decided I would vacuum since a friend was coming over that day so I could help her study for a test she had. I no more than vacuumed the hallway and I saw water leaking from underneath the carpet. I thought SERIOUSLY?! AGAIN!? Because we just finished with water issues this Spring. I literally RAN outside to tell Payton to shut the water off. He ran into the house trying to figure out what was going on. I'm sure somewhere in the mix I explained it, but we were hurrying trying to get the furniture out so we could get the carpet back. I'm pretty sure we used every towel in the house to get the pad dried as much as we could, Monday we started asking people for fans. We now have 2 turbulent noisy fans in both bedrooms. The plumber came over Monday as well and fixed the issue in less than a hour and WERE on time which you rarely get! I was soo happy with them, I even allowed the dude to put their little sticker on my water heater if I should ever need them again (BOY I HOPE NOT ANYTIME SOON!) The carpet will get put back down sometime tomorrow afternoon, and just maybe the house can get back in order.

I also messed up the kitchen sink Monday... but we wont go there ok?! The problem is fixed and that's all that matters.. (just make a note somewhere in your kitchen that stuffing a 5 pound bag of potato peelings down your kitchen garbage disposal is NOT a clever idea and WILL result in you spending 20 some odd dollars buying a "snake" - not the yucky kind- and WILL result in your husband getting drenched in nasty potato juices if he wishes not to change clothes after coming home from work) That's all on that subject.

After all of the Monday night drama, we did have a nice Valentine's Day. Payton and I chose to make our own cards. He even got one from the pups. how sweet. In my card was tickets to the rodeo this weekend, and an ornament kit I have been wanting FOREVER!

So far the week is ok, I literally try to take it a day, hour, and minute at a time. I still miss my Grandmother soo soo much and anything I can do to occupy my time seems to help. I'm so glad to have this ornament kit, because she had/has something similar on her tree at Christmas too. My Dad and his siblings made them and they are the 12 Days of Christmas - which is what I got. It will be a great way to keep me busy, but make her proud because it is a "sewing" activity, and since I have cooking down pat I need to work on this! haha!

These had nothing to do with Valentine's Day, but I made them today and surprised my hubby! He's eaten 50 10 of them already! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Too much time has passed...

I'm not really certain what to say at this point. So much has been going on and happening it would almost take way too long to catch up on everything. These last few months have been extremely hard for me and many months I don't think it is going to get any easier. I've experienced both life and death these last few months and I have to say life is so much more exciting and a lot easier to deal with. A couple of holidays have passed and those definitely were not easy or fun. We also celebrated our 1 year anniversary. If I would've known what all was going to happen in our first year of marriage on November 14, 2009... I promise you I would've taken a lot more time in our first year of marriage with one lady in particular. My precious Grandmother passed away September 28. My heart is still on the mend and I still struggle with it every single day. She was definitely a best friend and we were so close. I feel like a huge part of me is gone, and I'm still working through it. Our last phone call was the day I called to tell her my niece Chloe was born. She was so very excited, and I think about that phone call every single day. My cousin John was born November 2, 2010 and that was also hard because it was her 7th grandchild. Then came my niece Aubrey who is Grandma's first great-grandchild. So much emotion, but also soooooo much JOY. How can sadness, hurt, and pain exist with JOY too? It doesn't make sense sometimes, but they just do. It's so amazing how God works, and I promise you if it wasn't for these 3 sweet faces, getting through the passing of my Grandmother would be more painful than it already is. Through all of this it makes you so thankful for time spent. I told Payton tonight, that if there's one thing you can never get back it is time. We all have no idea when our last day on Earth is. Trust me. When you have someone taken from you so suddenly.. you gain a whole new perspective on your personal time... This means how you spend it, who you spend it with, and exactly how much of it is used getting closer to God and getting to know Him.
It's been hard to write lately, even this post is so hard to write. Hopefully we can get back in the groove of things and stay regular at blogging. I've got a lot of new recipes to try, a new oven to try them on, and one lady in Heaven I know watches and is so proud of whatever is cooked in my kitchen! :)

That's all for tonight. Hopefully back soon with some pictures and everything of what's been going on.