Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tired of the white!

We seriously have had and still have so much snow. I don't ever remember snow like this growing up, although I did live in a completely different town. These kids up here have had at least 5 snow days in the last 2 weeks. We got maybe 3 the whole time I was in school K4-12! Not kidding! Not much has been going on. Last week Payton and I had a young couples supper at the church. Our preacher and his wife hosted it. This was to get all the young couples acquainted so that we can start small groups, which is beneficial to young married couples, and well all couples for that matter. I am looking forward to it. We are both a little nervous, we don't really know that many couples in the church at all. At the supper though, Payton did realize there are quite a few people from his hometown, so that helped ease his nerves.

This weekend we will be traveling to my parents house for the weekend. My high school classmate is getting married later on this fall, and his parents are hosting an engagement party for he and his fiance. I'm really looking forward to this. A few of my high school classmates will be there, and some I haven't seen since we graduated!
Then Sunday, is my Meme's birthday (Valentine's baby). Anyways, we decided that we are going to cook lunch for her. I'm going to make a cheesecake for dessert. I LOVE making desserts! I will definitely post pictures from the weekend.

School is going great, no complaints. I started my Field 1 experience today. I am definitely going to love this. It took me quite a while to figure out what I was going to do with my life. Chose Cosmetology first, worked in that field for a little while, then going back to my gut feeling of teaching- I decided to go ahead and go for it. It most certainly makes things easier when you have friends to go through the process with you.

Here are some pictures of the snow.

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