Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life is changing!

I look back at the day of my last post and just think WOW! Sooo much has happened since then, and I'm really horrible at remembering to post. My sister got married July 23, 2011. It was a very hot day, but overall the wedding was really wonderful. Definitely brought back lots of great memories from when we were married. We were missing an important guest, but I know she was looking down on us. My sister was gorgeous and Aubrey was precious in her little dress. I lost my phone that weekend, and that was just awful. I had so many pictures on there that meant so much to me and couldn't stand the thought of just losing them. The night before we all left, we were playing in the floor with Aubrey. Mom said, "What's that?" it was my phone! It somehow got underneath the bed in their hotel room and we looked everywhere for it!!! It was seriously a God moment.

School started back in August and it has seriously been a rough semester. I'm looking forward to May already!! I can't wait to graduate. :) I've enjoyed my placements and have learned so much about what I want to do or what I definitely DON'T want to do!! The rest of my life has seemed to be flying by. I can't believe it is already November! We will celebrate our 2 year anniversary on Monday. I told Payton I'm really excited about it and don't know why because it's not like it's my birthday or anything. haha! I guess it's just the thought of getting to go out and celebrate and eat at one of our favorite restaurants. I just wish I had some wedding cake :) Payton and I are excited about some changes we've made in our lives and can't wait to see what the future holds.

I'm gonna get off of here and get some stuff finished up for my lesson tomorrow!

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