Friday, February 10, 2012


Last week I still hadn't started and I called the doctor's office on Monday. They told me that I was supposed to take my medicine every month, but I didn't hear that. She said I needed to test on December 1st before taking the medicine so I kept that in mind. I took a test on that Monday, but it appeared to be negative. There was a faint line, but I still wasn't sure. The next day I was still a little uncertain so I went and picked up a different test, with the idea of testing Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning came and I had set my alarm to get up fairly early. Went in the bathroom, did my thing. I went and got back into bed, laid the test on my nightstand and set my alarm to go off after 3 minutes. I had no lights on in the room, and so when the alarm went off I had to use my phone to read it. I pushed the button on my phone and leaned over to look at the test and said, "Wait a minute!" I turned on my light and it was indeed what I thought it was. POSITIVE! The whole time I was waiting for the test to process I kept thinking "No way, it's not gonna happen." "I've taken too many before and they were all negative." These were all completely different thoughts than before, and it was just pure shock and JOY! I grabbed the test up, and headed down the hall. I said, "Babe." I turned on the living room lights and he said, "What are you pregnant?" I just handed him the test and it took a minute or two for a smile to come across his face, but he was definitely happy! He just stared and stared at the test. It was really sweet. I took the test back into our room and just stared at it some more. I was trying to take a picture of it, and thought that I had it on camera but it was on video. (You can hear my heavy breathing in the video... haha) I had to take another test, don't know why but you know how that goes. It too was positive! I was soooo excited.

I called the doctors office as soon as they opened at 8 am to tell them the results. They got me set up with an appointment on December 15 at 9 am. I wanted an ultrasound so it was a little difficult scheduling. Had to discuss insurance a couple of time, but we are all set! I am so excited for my appointment I can't wait!

Payton and I said we weren't going to tell anyone until we went to the appointment. I could hardly stand not to tell my mom. We went to Perry and Brenda's for Thanksgiving lunch. It was so weird being around Justine and them, because I was trying to keep a secret! haha. That afternoon we headed off for Marianna. We had Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I informed Payton on the way down that I wouldn't be able to wait until our appointment to tell my mom. After a little argument, he told me I could tell her. So that Friday morning, I couldn't wait for my sister to leave so I could tell Momma. We were sitting on the couch and I said, "Mom, I wanna show you this video of Charlie doing the cha cha slide." I handed her my phone of the picture of the pregnancy test and she looked at it and said, "This isn't Charlie doing the cha cha." I said, "I know mother!" She took the phone back and then said, "Are you trying to tell me something?" I just laughed and nodded my head. Then I got a big yay! She was so tired she couldn't hardly express herself. haha. I had to wait a while to tell Dad. When I did it was the same set up just a different reaction. He too kept looking at the phone funny. But then said," I see two lines there." I responded, "Yes you do!" He gave a big happy laugh and said, "Sarah!" like he always does. It was a cute moment.

It was really fun telling them, and I've dreamed up all the ways I want to tell everyone else. I absolutely can't wait.

Dear Baby,
I've dreamed about you for as long as I can remember. I already love you more than you can imagine. I am thankful that the Lord has given me such a wonderful gift, and I hope I can be the best Mommy to you. I can't wait to see you on the screen at our doctors appointment, and watch you grow over the next 9 months. I will always be so grateful for you and can't wait to see your face.

I love you so much!

(Post was written a few days after finding out we were pregnant!)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life is changing!

I look back at the day of my last post and just think WOW! Sooo much has happened since then, and I'm really horrible at remembering to post. My sister got married July 23, 2011. It was a very hot day, but overall the wedding was really wonderful. Definitely brought back lots of great memories from when we were married. We were missing an important guest, but I know she was looking down on us. My sister was gorgeous and Aubrey was precious in her little dress. I lost my phone that weekend, and that was just awful. I had so many pictures on there that meant so much to me and couldn't stand the thought of just losing them. The night before we all left, we were playing in the floor with Aubrey. Mom said, "What's that?" it was my phone! It somehow got underneath the bed in their hotel room and we looked everywhere for it!!! It was seriously a God moment.

School started back in August and it has seriously been a rough semester. I'm looking forward to May already!! I can't wait to graduate. :) I've enjoyed my placements and have learned so much about what I want to do or what I definitely DON'T want to do!! The rest of my life has seemed to be flying by. I can't believe it is already November! We will celebrate our 2 year anniversary on Monday. I told Payton I'm really excited about it and don't know why because it's not like it's my birthday or anything. haha! I guess it's just the thought of getting to go out and celebrate and eat at one of our favorite restaurants. I just wish I had some wedding cake :) Payton and I are excited about some changes we've made in our lives and can't wait to see what the future holds.

I'm gonna get off of here and get some stuff finished up for my lesson tomorrow!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life lately..

I finished up school for a little bit and have a break until August 22nd. It's really been nice and was much needed. I know this fall won't be the least bit easy, so it's good to have time to rest. Can't believe I only have 2 semesters of school left! :) Not much has been going on at all... Just been busy tending to family, the house, and my pups. It's definitely been way too hot to get out and do much. I stare at my neglected yard from inside my 74 degree house just about every day. Really hoping we can get something done this fall, and maybe it will be cooler. I definitely want something done before I graduate so we can have a big ole party... Uh yeah, already been thinking about it! haha!

Well I'm gonna get off of here and get some things together and straightened up!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

can i get a break?

Between school, our house, and just the regular everyday stuff--- I can honestly say I could use a break! Sunday, Payton went out to wash my vehicle--it hasn't been washed since I got it. I decided I would vacuum since a friend was coming over that day so I could help her study for a test she had. I no more than vacuumed the hallway and I saw water leaking from underneath the carpet. I thought SERIOUSLY?! AGAIN!? Because we just finished with water issues this Spring. I literally RAN outside to tell Payton to shut the water off. He ran into the house trying to figure out what was going on. I'm sure somewhere in the mix I explained it, but we were hurrying trying to get the furniture out so we could get the carpet back. I'm pretty sure we used every towel in the house to get the pad dried as much as we could, Monday we started asking people for fans. We now have 2 turbulent noisy fans in both bedrooms. The plumber came over Monday as well and fixed the issue in less than a hour and WERE on time which you rarely get! I was soo happy with them, I even allowed the dude to put their little sticker on my water heater if I should ever need them again (BOY I HOPE NOT ANYTIME SOON!) The carpet will get put back down sometime tomorrow afternoon, and just maybe the house can get back in order.

I also messed up the kitchen sink Monday... but we wont go there ok?! The problem is fixed and that's all that matters.. (just make a note somewhere in your kitchen that stuffing a 5 pound bag of potato peelings down your kitchen garbage disposal is NOT a clever idea and WILL result in you spending 20 some odd dollars buying a "snake" - not the yucky kind- and WILL result in your husband getting drenched in nasty potato juices if he wishes not to change clothes after coming home from work) That's all on that subject.

After all of the Monday night drama, we did have a nice Valentine's Day. Payton and I chose to make our own cards. He even got one from the pups. how sweet. In my card was tickets to the rodeo this weekend, and an ornament kit I have been wanting FOREVER!

So far the week is ok, I literally try to take it a day, hour, and minute at a time. I still miss my Grandmother soo soo much and anything I can do to occupy my time seems to help. I'm so glad to have this ornament kit, because she had/has something similar on her tree at Christmas too. My Dad and his siblings made them and they are the 12 Days of Christmas - which is what I got. It will be a great way to keep me busy, but make her proud because it is a "sewing" activity, and since I have cooking down pat I need to work on this! haha!

These had nothing to do with Valentine's Day, but I made them today and surprised my hubby! He's eaten 50 10 of them already! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Too much time has passed...

I'm not really certain what to say at this point. So much has been going on and happening it would almost take way too long to catch up on everything. These last few months have been extremely hard for me and many months I don't think it is going to get any easier. I've experienced both life and death these last few months and I have to say life is so much more exciting and a lot easier to deal with. A couple of holidays have passed and those definitely were not easy or fun. We also celebrated our 1 year anniversary. If I would've known what all was going to happen in our first year of marriage on November 14, 2009... I promise you I would've taken a lot more time in our first year of marriage with one lady in particular. My precious Grandmother passed away September 28. My heart is still on the mend and I still struggle with it every single day. She was definitely a best friend and we were so close. I feel like a huge part of me is gone, and I'm still working through it. Our last phone call was the day I called to tell her my niece Chloe was born. She was so very excited, and I think about that phone call every single day. My cousin John was born November 2, 2010 and that was also hard because it was her 7th grandchild. Then came my niece Aubrey who is Grandma's first great-grandchild. So much emotion, but also soooooo much JOY. How can sadness, hurt, and pain exist with JOY too? It doesn't make sense sometimes, but they just do. It's so amazing how God works, and I promise you if it wasn't for these 3 sweet faces, getting through the passing of my Grandmother would be more painful than it already is. Through all of this it makes you so thankful for time spent. I told Payton tonight, that if there's one thing you can never get back it is time. We all have no idea when our last day on Earth is. Trust me. When you have someone taken from you so suddenly.. you gain a whole new perspective on your personal time... This means how you spend it, who you spend it with, and exactly how much of it is used getting closer to God and getting to know Him.
It's been hard to write lately, even this post is so hard to write. Hopefully we can get back in the groove of things and stay regular at blogging. I've got a lot of new recipes to try, a new oven to try them on, and one lady in Heaven I know watches and is so proud of whatever is cooked in my kitchen! :)

That's all for tonight. Hopefully back soon with some pictures and everything of what's been going on.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time flies...

Today was a very special day to me and Payton. Others are just like... "Yeah ok" "Congrats" . We have been married for 10 months today. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I can still vividly remember our wedding day and all the special things that happened. I can still remember up to a few days before the wedding. Pretty much a month before the wedding all I ate was puppy chow (you know that chocolatey peanut butter coated rice cereal covered in powdered sugar?). I just had a nervous stomach so that was one thing I could snack on. :) I was still in school too, so add that into the time getting closer of all that hard work we put into this wedding ... and you just wanted the day to be perfect. It was very much ... just that... perfect.

My Aunt came up Thursday before the wedding and we all went to eat at Outback. I believe we all had to get a yummy drink. Margaritas of course -Payton... he add to have a beer! I ordered a steak. This usually isn't a problem, but I have to watch what kind of red meat I buy and also how "done" it is. This steak wasn't quite "done" enough. We get home and start working on getting the lanterns together and the last few minute things before the big day... and well it hit me... another allergic reaction! I immediately took some Benadryl and usually this helps, but I always have a back up plan (epi pen). Luckily it didn't come to that.

I will never forget all of the running around on Friday the 13th. We had to get the Rehearsal Dinner location situated, check the reception layout and make sure everything was up to par. It was crazy. I was so glad to have Mom, Aunt Sherry, David and Becca and all the help we had.

For the rest of my life though I will never forget that night. My sweet husband was baptized before our Rehearsal. I can't explain to you how much that night changed me or sticks with me every single day. It was the most perfect/intimate setting for a baptism... and how much more perfect could it be ? I was sitting in church Sunday, and my eyes just wandered over to where all of that took place. I get chills just thinking about it, but I can still close my eyes and picture exactly what I saw when I was watching. Payton of course didn't want it videotaped or anything like that, but I always wish I would've had our photographer Sarah come a little early so she could've taken pictures. I just hope that for the rest of my life the memory I have of it will stick with me.

Today, 10 months ago was the most perfect time. It's always so fun when I look at the hour and remember what we were doing. At 10:08 pm last year on this day we were walking out of our reception under sparklers, and saying goodbye to our wonderful family and friends before we headed off to Memphis and then that next morning the Bahamas.

I love you so much Payton. I can't wait to celebrate our 1 year anniversary with you!

Photo: Sarah Bussey Photography

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let it shine...

Life has been happening. Some good and some bad, but you just work through it right? School started back August 23rd. I have been working so hard to just feel ahead. At times I feel like the kid in the swimming pool who is struggling to tread the water and make it to the other side. I underestimated the amount of work that would come with the classes this fall. :) Silly me, I was just trying to keep the load light so I can enjoy all the exciting things that will be happening the rest of the year.

We gave Justine her first baby shower a few weeks ago. She got a lot of nice things and I was glad to have my Mom and MIL there to help me with everything. I can't believe I will get to meet Chloe in less than 2 weeks. It seems like yesterday Justine and Brent were telling us they were expecting and hours ago they were confirming our thoughts that they were having a girl! I will never forget the day Charlie was born. I was dying to get off of work so I could get to the hospital to hold my precious (future at the time) nephew. It didn't take to long for a tear to fall and my heart was melted instantly. Charlie has brought so much joy into Pay Pay and Say Say's life, I don't think the boy will ever understand. We were so tickled with him last night... we decided to watch America's Funniest Home Videos (anything was better than what iCarly was doing!) He would laugh so hard he was struggling for a breath. So precious, I can't even explain it! Of course when commercial break would come on we would hear "More AH OHS!" "More AH OHS!" I know Chloe will bring even more joy into our lives and there's no way that we can run out of love to give to the both of them and their parents.

There's been a lot I've figured out lately. Some things are surprising, some of it is stuff I should've already known or expected, and some of it is just hurtful. My mom has told me time and time again (and I'm just now listening for real), "Sarah, you have to live your life to please God first, then your husband, children. (and I always like to add family in there)." I have spent many a days worrying about if someone likes me for me, what I could do to have them want to be in my life, or just whatever thought meets the situation. I've completely exhausted myself in the process. I know who the people are who love me for me. I know God loves me so very much, and well my husband does too. Sometimes I ask him if he does because it makes me feel good to hear it. I know there are people out there who don't and that's OK. This past weekend I went home for Labor Day, you can't help but feel the love when you walk through the doors whether it be at Mom and Dad's or my precious grandparents. I'm so glad to have to family I have, the husband I have and the Lord that I have... because it sure makes life a lot sweeter. It's time to move on, start fresh, and live life the right way ...especially so I know when my time comes to leave this Earth ( because it is sooo very short).... I lived my life letting my light shine for Jesus Christ reaching others that need Him too.

So many more things are in the works ... I promise to do better in "blogging"! :)

God Bless,