Monday, March 15, 2010

Trying to stay 'in check"...

Seems like so much is changing lately. I often feel like my mind is going 50 million directions. So much to do with school, and getting ready to start the program. There's also so much going on these last few weeks with making plans and getting things situated before we leave for Spring Break. Sometimes I just want to push the stop button or turn things over to someone else to handle. In reality it probably isn't that much to handle, but for me it seems like soo much!
I took the Reading part to the Praxis today. The whole time I struggled just to concentrate on the task at hand. There was a girl sitting close by me that was just typing away. Do you know how those old Dell computer keyboards sound? Or maybe they aren't old but you can hear every single button pushed? I have a Gateway laptop and I can hear the buttons pushed but its not that loud pecking sound. Anyways, back to the point... That is the sound I heard 80% of the time I was taking the exam. On top of the number of people clicking the mouse just like I was having to do. I've always struggled with concentration and also with Reading comprehension. It's not easy sometimes. Well...unfortunately, I didn't pass that part of the test. It doesn't make sense to me. Math I struggle with constantly, the writing part of the test I didn't even study for because I got things all confused, the Reading part, I studied for the most out of everything. I know there's a reason for everything. I also know God was with me when I was taking the test, but I just couldn't handle the situation.
I came into a similar thing Sunday at church. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing children in church. I know that some children do better in church than others, but this Sunday we just happened to sit in front of some who don't do well in church. Bro. John had a very good message on "evil" and I just wish I could've caught the whole thing. :(

I'm also ready for the month of April. Ready for my birthday, ready for a new month. This one seems to be dragging by so slowly. We have been going to small group at church. Payton and I just love it, we had a great time last night it was just us, another couple and our leaders. We had a great time chatting with them and watching the Zooma video. The video was on want and need. Why do we always want stuff? It's always so awesome how the video somehow relates to Bro. John's message. He was talking about instant gratifications yesterday. People who win the lottery, millions of dollars, and they don't have a clue what to do with it. They go nuts, spending, make the wrong friends, etc...

I'm going to wrap this up with a couple of pictures.
Hope everyone has a great week!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to purpose." Romans 8:28

Charlie and his Uncle Payton

One of my favorites of me and Payton

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