Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life, Love and Family

We just went through one of my favorite holidays of the year (my other is Christmas). There is nothing more special to me than getting together with family, catching up on the time inbetween the last visit, and enjoying the precious children God has so graciously blessed our family with. Each of them are so different in many ways, so special, and completely innocent to this world and its ways. We went down to my hometown Friday night after Payton got in from work. Mom had made this fabulous dip and we munched and munched on it. My Dad worked late that night so we spent the evening talking with Mom and my sister about the day, and the days ahead. I couldn't stay up any later to wait on my Dad to get home, but prayed he would return home safely after working a 17+ hour day. Saturday Mom and I went to Little Rock, I had to tour the Clinton Library for one of my classes, and then we went to our photographers home to pick up our wedding albums and a gallery wrap I had ordered. The day was completely perfect, Mom and I shared some very special time talking and dreaming about the future. Something that I cherish every moment I get to spend with her. That night Dad cooked hamburgers on his green egg. They were very good for three reasons: 1. Payton and I patted them out 2. I seasoned them 3. Dad cooked them. I love dinner with my family, there is always something so funny that happens, or something funny that is said. After dinner was all done, I suggested some home videos. I wanted to do something different for Easter Sunday.

Every year we eat, clean up, hide eggs, and visit. This year I wanted to share home videos with the other family members. So the night before Easter we watched a few of them and got some great laughs from them. Then...we found the one we were looking for! In 1986, I had my first Christmas. That Christmas of home video brought lots of good memories for several different people. Me and my sister for one, we got to see how our great grandfather was, we dont have any memory of him at all except for these videos, our great grandmother who passed in 07 and who we miss greatly, and our beloved "Queen" Great Aunts, one who we took care of in the nursing home every day after school. For other family members like my grandparents, my parents, and my dad's siblings, they got to see their parents, grandfather and grandmothers who they spent so much time with. Just an extremely special time! And for Payton he was able to put a face with the stories he's heard many many times. The other great moment of this particular video is a funny act that my Uncle did and had forgot about, so a good reminder was indeed necessary!

Easter Sunday was extra special this year, for one we are excited that there is soon to be a new baby in the family, we were thrilled that the weather cooperated and for once in a long long time the Easter egg hunt was outside. That morning Bro. Monty gave the benediction at church, he brought everything back to reality. "The sun that is shining today, is the same exact sun that was shining when they rolled the stone away" How amazing is that. I'm in love with every member of my family, I LOVE the Lord who gave them to me. They are all very special and I hold them in a special place in my heart. I pray for them daily, for their safety, for strength in the troubles that I may not know about. I not only pray for my blood relatives, but now for my extended family through Payton.

My family helps get me through the rough times, they are strong and loving, and supportive. Their faith in God shines through and helps make me a better person, although many times like everyone I fail. I love each of you!

Here's a few pictures from Easter weekend!

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