Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer fun...

This past weekend was pretty fun!
Friday night, Payton and I decided that we would go and have date night! We wanted to go and eat at Godsey's Grill, but they were having the biker classic downtown and weren't taking reservations. We decided to go to Outback instead. Our steaks were so yummy and we always get mashed potatoes and the green beans! Afterwards we went and looked around town at stuff to kill time until our 9:30 movie, Killers. It was a really good movie, and it was so fun to get to go to the movies for a change!

Saturday, my friend Lynlee came over and we went to the pool about 10:30 in the morning. We were out there till at least 4 and I have the beautiful sunburn to prove it! :) I thought that I put the sunscreen on evenly, but I certainly did not. That night we went and ate at a local pizza place, then went back to the house to hang out. Later on, our mutual friends Will and Jessie came over and we had a lot of fun laughing and hanging out!

Sunday, we got up and went to church. We always love Sunday mornings, and especially the service. There are 2 elderly ladies that sit behind us and it's so fun to see them each week, and listen to them chatting throughout the service about random things. I don't think they realize we can hear what they are saying! Sunday afternoon, Payton's mom and half-sister came over with baby Phoebe. They attempted to get Phoebe in the pool, but she wasn't a happy baby!

Overall, it was a wonderful relaxing weekend and I wouldn't have it any other way. Yesterday it was back to work getting the house clean and clothes washed. I am also working on a minor repair above our fireplace. We had a small leak in that area and it sort of damaged the paint job. So I'm working on getting all of that looking good as new! It's so nice to be able to do stuff around the house and actually get it finished! Next week I plan to start painting the trim, doors and windows throughout the house! I've also got to work in the yard some, but figured I would let this sunburn heal before I did that!

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